Monday, December 15, 2014

The four cardinal rules for getting a tattoo when your young

It was my 18th birthday when I decided I was going to get my first tattoo. I remember being really excited and not having a clue at what I was going to get. As I looked through the tattoo magazine that was lying around while I was waiting for the tattoo artist I saw a huge winged angel and it spoke to me. I thought that's the one!

I sat there for three hours give or take until it was done (who knew if I would ever see that guy again since he was a friend of a friend and just got fired from the local tattoo shop for being unreliable) When it was done I was happy, it came out pretty good and it covered my entire left shoulder.

 13 years later 2 kids and some on and off weight fluctuations and my sweet little angel doesn't look so sweet anymore. I later learned through experience I had broken the four cardinal rules of getting a tattoo

No.1 never get a tattoo while still in your teens (or early twenties if you really want to play it safe) because as I have learned the older you get and the more your mind grows slowly but surely your tastes change weather because you got married, had kids or whatever else life throws at you you are going to evolve. You can never be positive you will still want that the giant Scooby doo smoking a joint on the small of your back. Not that I don't love Scooby doo mind you but I just don't think it will be all that appropriate when your kid turns four and wants to know what that is in his mouth and why his eyes are so red....

No.2 If your going to break rule one make sure it doesn't cover a entire body part so its easier to cover up and it will leave more options open to you if you do want to cover it.

No.3 Know what you want before you go in. Give yourself time to think about what you want this tattoo to say about you for THE REST OF YOUR LIFE 

No.4  Make sure you check out the tattoo artist work before hand just because they can do tattoos doesn't mean they are good.

So there it is my four cardinal rules for getting a tattoo before your 25. Looking back now my tattoo reminds me of where I was in that moment on my 18th birthday and that at the time I think I felt I needed a little protection or guidence. Even though I wish someone would have mentioned all this to me before I got inked at least I can pass it on. If I can just stop  one person before they get that colored mushroom with the weird googly eyes that covers their entire calve then I will have made a difference 😉